dating search personal photo

Выбор города. Датинг ру — сайт знакомств, объединяющий сквозь расстояния!

Общение – обязательный атрибут полноценной жизни любого человека. В нем нуждаются даже самые самодостаточные люди, привыкшие устраивать свою жизнь без посторонней помощи. Новые знакомства, интересные и яркие, помогают внести свежесть в повседневную привычную жизнь и избавиться от скуки. Существует множество способов познакомиться, однако самым практичным, удобным и эффективным из них являются знакомства онлайн на тематическом сайте. Какого бы общения вы ни искали, в каком городе ни жили и какой бы внешностью ни обладали – dating поможет вам достичь желаемого результата!

Чем привлекательны знакомства без регистрации?

Практичностью! Сегодня, пожалуй, не удастся встретить человека, который бы ни пользовался интернетом. Зайти на сайт можно через любой удобный вам гаджет – персональный компьютер, ноутбук, планшет, даже мобильный телефон. А это значит, что вы сможете скрасить интересным общением и просмотром анкет любую свободную минуту. Застряли в пробке, ожидаете приема специалиста, едите в командировку – вместо того, чтобы скучать, поболтайте с интересным собеседником! Доступностью! Знакомства без регистрации не требуют никаких финансовых вложений. Вам не понадобиться отправлять смс или оплачивать доступ к интересующим анкетам – вся база данных находится в вашем распоряжении. Это очень удобно, ведь вы одинаково сможете пообщаться с людьми из своего города или же познакомиться с пользователем из другой точки страны, в которую, к примеру, собираетесь съездить в ближайшее время. Бесплатный сайт знакомств позволяет общаться с любым количеством людей и в любое время без ограничений!

Масштабностью! Речь идет не только о том, что на сайте присутствует множество анкет людей из всех городов нашей страны и ближнего зарубежья, но и о широте целевой аудитории, которую по праву можно назвать стопроцентной. Что это значит? Здесь общаются люди всех возрастов, с любыми внешними данными и разнообразными интересами. Знакомства также имеют совершенно разные цели – от обычного общения переписки до сексуального партнерства и создания семьи. Просто стучите – и вам откроют!

Общайтесь без ограничений!

Вы уже определились с выбором, увлечены ежедневными переписками и приятными эмоциями от общения с симпатичным вам человеком, но еще недостаточно его узнали или просто не хотите торопить события? А между тем, одних только сообщений становится недостаточно и пора бы перевести общение на новый уровень, но как это сделать?

На сайте предусмотрена возможность видеозвонка! Это означает, что вы можете просто поговорить голосом, как по телефону, или провести полноценное виртуальное свидание. Такая функция полезна при самых различных знакомства. Романтически настроенным парам она поможет немного раскрепоститься и к первому реальному свиданию избавиться от неловкости, друзьям из разных стран – без труда увидеться и показать друг другу свой быт, тем же, кто ищет сексуального партнера, провести «мини-собеседование», чтобы понять, насколько человек подойдет для реализации желаний. Как найти подходящего собеседника для общения и не только?

Так как многие пользователи стремятся завести знакомства для серьезных отношений, на сайте предусмотрены весьма подробные анкеты. К примеру, если для дружбы по переписке внешние данные человека не имеют особого значения, то для более перспективных целей они важны. Наш сайт знакомств позволяет быстро и без регистрации просматривать анкеты пользователей из всех предложенных городов. Воспользовавшись поиском, вы можете сразу указать самые весомые критерии, а после уже приступать к просмотру всех подходящих предложений. Для более продуктивного знакомства, стоит определиться с типажом интересующего человека, его возрастом и местом жительства. Начинайте изучения найденных анкет с просмотра фотографий, и если пользователь вам симпатичен, приступайте к изучению информации, оставленной им в анкете – узнайте об интересах, увлечениях, отношении к тем или иным вещам, а также предпочтениях в выборе собеседника и основной цели знакомства. Dating Profile Photos: Everything You Need To Know. Cue the glitter cannons…. we’re Hey Saturday, the world’s leading dating photos agency, and back in 2013, we created the genre of dating photography. Dating profile photos needs to do three main things: -Make you look good -Make you stand out from the crowd online -Show your personality. Estimates show that by 2020, the global dating market could grow to £9.5 billion, with 310 million people expected to be actively using an online dating platform – that’s a heck of a lot of couples meeting online. But back in 2013, when brands like Tinder were only in their infancy, there was no one specialising in photography for online dating – in fact it hadn’t even been dreamt of yet. Hey Saturday founder Saskia Nelson spotted the abject lack of good quality photos on dating apps and decided to create a niche photography business specialising in cool profile photos for online daters. Saskia started Hey Saturday and the genre of dating photography was born. “My marketing experience combined with my 8 years of online dating enabled me to picture a world where people could showcase themselves online using high quality, strong, colourful images that showed them at their first-date best. I realised that if people wanted to have an impact online and stand out from all the 1,000s of people online dating, this would be the quickest, smartest and most authentic way to do that.” The need for dating profile photos. Before Hey Saturday came along, the vast majority of photos used on dating apps were not specifically taken for the purpose of dating. People were using holiday snaps, wedding photos, work photos, drunken party snaps and smartphone selfies on dating apps. Online daters were using very bad and very old – to the point of deceptive – photos on their dating profiles. Saskia Nelson has been credited by Time magazine and world renowned photographer Martin Parr with creating the genre of dating photography and she is recognised as the leading industry expert in the UK, Europe & US on all things dating photography related. Since 2013 her dating photography agency Hey Saturday has worked with over 3,500 single people helping them to create a stand out set of portrait photos for their dating profiles enabling them to get out there and reclaim their dating life. The dating profile photos generation. Fast forward a few years and online daters now expect more from their potential partners and know that mirror selfies or dating photos with exes cropped out just aren’t good enough. Millennials – the visual generation – want to see a true likeness of who they are going on a date with. And this means good quality photos taken specifically for dating. In a recent survey, women told us everything they dislike about men’s profile photos. It revealed that 77% of women are put off by the profile photos that men put up on dating apps and websites. Poor quality dating photos which are blurred, out of focus, poorly lit or too far away are a big turn off for 70% of women. 74% of women are put off by drunken party snaps and 78% of women find mirror, gym and bathroom selfies really unattractive. Head here to read more on our dating profile photo survey results and what they mean for your dating profile. When people use good images of themselves online they start seeing loads more interest in their dating profiles. And official research now backs this up. To stand a better chance of meeting a partner online, daters need dating photography which is authentic and showcases their personal brand. Relaxed, natural profile photos. Dating photography is all about creating relaxed, happy photos that show you at your natural best. For this reason, they are not formal or taken in a studio setting. It is off-putting to potential partners to feel that you’ve tried too hard, so dating photos mustn’t give the suggestion that you need professional help. Instead, dating photographs should have the ethos of you hanging out with a friend who happens to be passionate about photography. To create this natural, relaxed vibe, dating photography takes place outside, where the lighting is flattering and natural and doesn’t look staged or false. Examples of good dating profile photos. Your dating profile photographer. A dating photographer is not just your average portrait photographer, but someone who understands online dating and can instantly make a connection with every client, helping them to relax and show their true selves. Dating photography is not about creating formal poses like a regular portrait photographer – it’s about creating accidental laughter and natural action shots. Hey Saturday are the experts on what makes a good dating photographer – we have put together a dream team of X dating photographers in the UK and the US, all of whom have been trained in the art of dating photography by Saskia Nelson. We shared a post about this, so make sure you check out ‘What makes a good dating photographer?’ Your dating photo shoot. A dating photo shoot is not like a usual portrait photography session, which often takes place in a studio or in one fixed location. To get the most natural, relaxed and unposed photos, a dating photo shoot is more like a chilled out adventure. Ahead of the dating shoot, the dating photographer will have put some time into finding out about their client’s personality. They can then create a shoot that will work to bring out the best in that person. The dating photographer and their client will take a wander around a neighbourhood that suits, stopping at plenty of eye catching, colourful backdrops along the way. The aim is that it’s not formal or rigid in any way, but more like hanging out with a mate and taking some cool photos. There are some things you can do to prepare for your dating shoot to make sure you get the most from it. It’s worth taking some time to plan so that you get the dating photos you want and are totally happy with the outcome. Check out our posts ‘ How can I make my dating shoot go well? ’ and ‘ What should I wear for my dating photo shoot?’ Your dating profile photos. In online dating, you have seconds to make an impact. It’s been proven that better photos get more likes and right swipes. If you’ve only got 30 seconds to spare and want the ultra top line dating photo do’s and don’ts, they are: Include at least one well lit headshot of you smiling. Avoid group photos Avoid photos with another person cropped out Make sure your eyes are clearly visible (not covered with sunglasses or ski goggles) Show your personality. This is the tip of the iceberg on this subject and there is now a wealth of knowledge, experience, facts, figures and helpful do’s and don’ts about what makes a good dating profile picture. If you want to know more, sign up for our free eBook in the box below. Check out our definitive guide to which pictures you should choose for your online dating profile. Looking good in your dating photos is not just about which pics you choose or the outfits you wear, as we reveal in our posts How can I look good in my dating profile picture? and 10 ways to create a dating profile that makes people say ‘oh heck yes. Self love in dating. Mindset is a crucial part of successful dating. Everyone is aware of the adage that no one else can love us until we love ourselves. In our digital, visual world, a huge amount of worth is placed on image and everyone is busy comparing their life with everyone else’s through apps like Instagram. So that old adage remains truer and more relevant than ever. Rates of anxiety and depression have increased 70% in the past 25 years and social media is linked with increased rates of anxiety, depression and poor sleep . Dating is a part of our digital life and so when using dating apps we need to prioritise our mental health and wellbeing above all else, as this recent BBC news video shows. That’s where self love comes in. In order to protect our wellbeing and make sure dating always remains fun, we need to develop an attitude of gratitude, where we constantly remind ourselves of all the things we love about ourselves and our lives. We need to be ok with being different and embrace our flaws and quirks. Mastering the art of self love affects dating in positive, tangible ways. For example, if you love yourself it makes you appear more attractive to others. If you see yourself as attractive, it comes across in everything from your dating photos to your social interactions and your dates can pick up on it. Likewise, if you don’t believe you’re attractive, your dates will pick up on that too. Personality in online dating. The key to creating relaxed, happy dating photos is to show as much as you can of your personality. If you can be yourself in your dating photo shoot and let your personality shine, your photos will be the better for it. But there’s more to it than that. It’ll help you attract people to your dating profile in fundamental ways. To want to date you, people need to feel that your lifestyle matches theirs; they need to feel that you’ll have lots in common, otherwise they’ll move on to the next dating profile. This means people need to be able to envisage dating you. You can help this process by giving as many clues as you can about your personality and the kind of person you are. To do this you need to tell a story with your dating profile photos. It’ll make for compelling images and a dating profile that stands out. You can do this using the following techniques: Personal branding in dating photography. You can take personality a step further by developing a personal brand for your dating. This means creating a strong image and thinking about what your ‘USP’ is, so it’s clear what your vibe is straight away from your dating profile pictures. In a good personal brand, people will get a strong sense of what sort of person you are. Think of your dating photos in the same way as a brand logo. Make sure you’re telling a consistent visual story. A good way to establish your personal brand is to brainstorm some ideas about what story you want to tell. For example, if you’re a nature lover who is always out in the great outdoors, think about how you can tell that story visually to create a strong brand. You’ll want to think about everything from natural colours of green, gold and brown, to the clothes you’re wearing and props you’re holding. Knowing ourselves is a life-long process but it’s so good to check in on ourselves often, especially when we’re starting big things like online dating. And by taking the time to think about it and let us, your photographers know, it helps us more easily create dating profile pictures that represent what you stand for. What you’re about. What makes you unique and special. On my List of Stuff I Care About, I have: - being creative - keep on learning & growing - love & connection - being physically active - helping people - finding peace in nature. My dating profile pictures might then include me taking photos or painting, reading a self-help book or studying, walking or meditating in nature. I might wear my jumper with the word ‘love’ on it. I might be drinking tea in front of a cafe with friends (who aren’t actually in the pic). When planning your shoot, your list acts as a guide to make sure you’re telling people something meaningful about you. #onlinedatingphotographer #singlelady #singlewomen #singlemen #singleandreadytomingle #singleandsearching #singlelifestyle #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling" data-video="" data-carousel="" data-id="sbi_17844196475592327" data-user="" data-url="" data-avatar="" data-account-type="business"> Open. Knowing ourselves is a life-long process but it’s so good to check in on ourselves often, especially when we’re starting big things like online dating. And by taking the time to think about it and let us, your photographers know, it helps us more easily create dating profile pictures that represent what you stand for. What you’re about. What makes you unique and special. On my List of Stuff I Care About, I have: - being creative - keep on learning & growing - love & connection - being physically active - helping people - finding peace in nature. My dating profile pictures might then include me taking photos or painting, reading a self-help book or studying, walking or meditating in nature. I might wear my jumper with the word ‘love’ on it. I might be drinking tea in front of a cafe with friends (who aren’t actually in the pic). When planning your shoot, your list acts as a guide to make sure you’re telling people something meaningful about you. #onlinedatingphotographer #singlelady #singlewomen #singlemen #singleandreadytomingle #singleandsearching #singlelifestyle #singleandhappy #modernlove #mindset #loveyourself #datingwithapurpose #datingadvice #datinglife #profilepictures #profilepic #profilepics #profilephoto #onlinedating #datingphototips #happylife #happysingle #relationshipgoals #personalbrandingtips #datingapp #datingapps #datingadviceformen #datingadviceforwomen #profilephotography #visualstorytelling. Dating and Identifying Your Old Family Photographs. Genealogist and blogger Lisa Lisson of Are You My Cousin? shares her expertise when it comes to dating and identifying your old family photographs in your collection. When cleaning out a relative’s home, you find a long-forgotten shoebox full of photographs stuffed in the back of a closet. The photographs are all sizes. Some are obviously older photographs. Who are the individuals in the photographs?

Are the individuals family members? Most likely, but if not, the photograph was obviously treasured to have been kept throughout the years. Know What You Already Know. Who owned the photograph(s) before you?

How did the photograph(s) come into your possession?

The answers to these questions can narrow down which side of the family the photograph(s) belonged. Pursue your family’s oral history. If a relative is still living, check with him/her. Don’t worry about how far away they are. Email and social media make it easier to contact more distant relatives. Reach out to those distant cousins. Skipping this step is tempting, but avoid that temptation! You may miss valuable information including the identity of the photograph’s individuals. Other family members may provide a date and/or the circumstances of when the photograph was taken. For example, if the photograph in your possession was in the back of your maternal grandmother’s closet, start with her family members first. Could the photograph(s) be of her sisters, parents, or cousins?

Check with your cousins, aunts, uncles…. You may not have much oral history in your family or a large extended family to ask. That’s perfectly okay. You can still have options for determining the date or age of a photograph. Characteristics of the photograph itself provide clues to its age. Type of Photograph. The type of photograph can place your photograph in a specific time period. If you know the time period a photograph was taken, you can narrow down possible candidates on your family tree. The Daguerreotype – 1840-1860. Daguerreotypes are typically small with the most common size being 2 3/4 x 3 1/2 inches and housed in a case. The photographic process makes the photographs appear to float. Daguerreotypes are very fragile and if you have one among your family’s photos, be sure to store these away from light and extreme temperatures. The Ambrotype – 1854-1868. Like the daguerreotypes, ambrotypes are in small hinged cases. The difference is the ambrotype does not have that reflective “floating” type quality. The Tintype – 1856-1878. Tintypes were popular for more than 30 years. Instead of glass, the image was on an iron plate. Early tintypes were in small, hinged cases like the daguerreotypes and the ambrotypes. However, the cases were soon replaced by paper sleeves. Often today, tintypes are found in one’s collection without the sleeves. The Carte de Visite – 1859-1889. Carte des Visites (CDV) were introduced in 1859. Measuring 2 1/2″ by 4″, the photographs were mounted on a thick paper and used much as the calling card was used in the 1850s. The carte de visite gained popularity quickly during the Civil War as soldiers and family exchanged photographs. The Cabinet Cards – 1866-1903. Cabinet cards and carte des visites (CDV) are often confused. Like the CDV, the cabinet card was also an albumen print on thin paper and mounted on thicker paper. The primary difference is the size. The cabinet card is larger and may have a photographer’s logo on the reverse side. The cabinet card reached its peak popularity in the 1880s but was used into the early 1900s. Hair Styles and Fashions. You can do the same thing with your ancestors’ photographs. Using the individual’s hairstyle and clothing style, you can estimate an approximate date a photograph was taken. Narrowing the date range a photograph was taken will narrow down the potential candidates the people can be. The photograph below (the cabinet card from above) dates to the early 1910s. The gentleman’s hairstyle, tie and hat (in his hand) all were fashionable for the 1910s. This photograph of Mary Elizabeth Scott (below) was taken in the early – mid-1890s. Notice the center part with the bangs. Her hair is pulled into a bun in the back. The bodice of her dress along with the narrow sleeve is also indicative of this time period. The photograph below is from the Library of Congress photo collection and depicts a woman from the Civil War era. She wears a typical hairstyle of the day with a middle part and the hair styled over the ears. Her full skirt and the fuller sleeves were common in the fashions of Civil War women. Godey’s Lady Book – An early women’s magazine Library of Congress Photo Collection – Search for women and the particular year of interest. Google Images – Search for women and the particular year you are interested in. What type of photograph is it?

Research the hair and clothing fashions you find. With this information, you will be able to estimate the date your photograph was taken and begin to narrow down who could possibly be in the photograph. If you need help organizing and preserving your lifetime of photos, videos, and keepsakes, find a photo organizer near you at the Association of Personal Photo Organizers. Lisa Lisson is the genealogist and blogger behind Are You My Cousin?. Lisa believes researching your genealogy does not have to be overwhelming. All you need is a solid plan, a genealogy toolbox, and the knowledge to use those tools. Passionate about genealogy research and helping others find resources and tools to confidently research their genealogy, Lisa can be found at, Facebook, and Pinterest. 5 Comments. fGreat clues – but be cautious about dates!

people in small towns and rural areas were often decades behind what was considered ‘fashioinable’ ; clothes passed down, hairstyles worn as a young woman may still be their style when they are in their forties. This is a great article. Thanks! I only wish I had images as old as Daguerrotypes in my family collection. They must have been handed down to the wrong descendents (not me) if there were any at all. I need an article like this for photos from the 1940’s to the 1980’s. I’m pretty sure my unknown photos fall in that time range. Hi please help me know the year in which this photo of our grandmother has been taken. It has been taken somewhere in Ghana, west Africa. Thank you so much. This is such a great article on dating old photos. I have one more suggestion – I have been successful in dating some of my cabinet cards by cross referencing the photographer in the city directory of the time period, noting what years that photographer appeared at the particular address printed on the card. Thought you might like to see the earliest in my collection, a carte de visite taken in 1873, my great-great grandmother, Katherine Sheets Faust, age 17 (luckily for me on this one, her name and age had been written on the back). What a great read and wonderful information. I would love any help at all with dating this painting/photograph based on clothing and/or hairstyles and would very much appreciate help or a friendly shove in the right direction. I have no information other than it came from the “Fedrick” (aka Fredrick or Frederick) side of my family, but so far, no one recognizing anyone. It was in an antique oval frame, with “bubbled glass,” all of which is currently in the back seat of my truck headed to restoration. Be a Photo Detective: Tricks to Dating Your Family Snapshots. Do you have a pile of old photos and can’t quite figure out when a certain picture was taken?

Anyone who tries to date and organize photos has had this dilemma, whether you are a do-it-yourselfer or a professional photo organizer. Recently we asked members of the Association of Personal Photo Organizers what tips and tricks they use to date enigmatic Photos. We think you will find their answers extremely helpful. Photo Detective Tools. A good magnifying glass or jeweler’s loop (If the photo is already digitized, the zoom function will be your friend.) Google or your favorite search engine Books or websites about fashion, hairstyles, photo types (Check out the selection offered by Maureen Taylor, The Photo Detective.) A family timeline of important dates and events. Photo Detective Tips. Obvious Clues. If you get lucky, the back of the photo can give clues to location or date. If you are really lucky someone has written down identifying information (people, place, event, date). Congratulations, you have just won the photo detective jackpot! In some cases, a developing date is printed on the back or in the border on the front. A word of caution – machine printed dates on photos are the date the print was developed, not the date the photo was taken. One obvious example would be a Christmas photo dated January 1952 but was probably taken during Christmas of 1951. I have had clients reprint an old scan which then got mixed back into their print collection. The photo was obviously from the 1940s but the developing stamp on the back said May 2015. Sometimes the date taken is not so obvious. When we still used actual film in our cameras, many people did not get it developed right away. When only 4 or 5 photos were taken at an event, often the film contained several events before it was developed. Remember the date on the back is the date developed. Some photos taken with digital cameras and then printed may have date stamps on the front of the printed (or digital) photo. Take this date with a grain of salt. Just like the blinking clock on a VCR, many people never correctly set the date on their camera. Physical Clues. Look at the size, shape, and paper of the photo itself. Major developers like Kodak have changed their style over the years and these can be a great clue to the era in which a photo was developed. Here are some online resources that you can use to identify the age of a print by its type and paper among other characteristics. Several physical clues point to a date of the 1950s for this photo – the deckled (scalloped) edges, the Kodak Velox paper and the fact that it came bound in a small spiral-bound book from the developer (hanging chad on the side). Slides will also have a date stamped on the paper or plastic mount. But remember that this is the developing date, not the date the photo was taken. If your photos are in the original developing envelope, check it for dates. This will give you a time when the photo was developed. It may even have an address or phone number of your family member on it which could aid your search. Happy Birthday To You. Count the candles on a birthday cake. Keep in mind that some families “add one for good luck” and some people have multiple birthday parties each year. Counting candles on the cake can help. This one is a little confusing if you didn’t know that these two little girls always celebrated their birthdays together. Eight candles on the left for the girl on the left and five candles on the right. Sandra Williams, Infinity Photo Solutions. “I (have) counted candles on a cake to determine the person’s age, used a magnifying app on my phone to read the name of the university on a diploma, and googled an obituary to find a date of birth.” Car Hints. Kathy Stone, Calgary Photo Solutions. “I was looking at old photos online of Michigan Tech campus to see if the photos I was sorting were taken there and using a magnifying glass on old photos to see license plate and shape of the grill on the truck in different photos.” What’s in the Background. Laura Woolsey, Memory Forward. “If I had a nickel for every birthday candle I’ve counted! Kitchen calendars with just the month and day can help and I have used Google to find the year that it could have been.“ Location, Location, Location. Look at the shape of a door, the finish on the house, the type of porch, the style of windows to match an unknown photo with a known photo or to fit into a known chronology. To date this photo, one could google Gulf gas pumps and logos to find the general time period. If you knew the location of this store, you could try to find out the dates the store was in business. Construction and restoration of major buildings and monuments can give you a time frame in which the photo was taken. Skylines with missing landmark skyscrapers could give hints to date. For example, New York City without the Twin Towers is either pre-1973 or post-2001. Cheryl DiFrank, My Memory File. “I’ve used a magnifying glass to read a few words of a newspaper headline on a desk and then googled the headline. I have also googled what football teams played each other on a certain date.” Fashion Details. Hairstyles and clothing can help identify the approximate date of a photo. Maureen Taylor, The Photo Detective, has some great resources for dating your ancestor’s photos through their fashion. Pay attention to details like bangs (Suzie got bangs in 3 rd grade so photos with the bangs are probably 3 rd or 4 th grade) or braces. They may not give you a specific date, but they may help your general chronology. These are good details to add to your family timeline. What’s Going On. If the photo shows a public event (IndyCar race, State Fair, concert), google the names of the events then look for logos that match yours. That will usually help you find the year, if not the month and day too. Mother Nature. Debbie Wiener, Got Pix. “I’ve compared several pics of a child and aged them as before braces, with braces, straight teeth!

Also, house pictures (can be dated) by sizes of the trees.” Other Supporting Documents. If you have other supporting documents such as obituaries and funeral service bulletins, they can give dates of birth, places of residence, family members and other information that can help identify photos. Birthday party invitations with a specific theme (like Spiderman or roller skating) can give you a date when paired with photos showing the same theme. Of course, if you have a family member (or two) that you can ask about dates, locations, and stories, they may be your most valuable resource. More Dating Resources. Kathy Stone, a Certified Personal Photo Organizer, founded Calgary Photo Solutions to help people preserve their photos and stories by providing a range of photo organizing services. Kathy has been helping people organize and enjoy their printed and digital photos for over 17 years. During severe flooding in Southern Alberta in 2013, Kathy saved thousands of photos for several families. She is a Certified Adult Educator, and has presented at the Association of Personal Photo Organizers Conferences in 2014 and 2016, provided digital and print photo training to numerous groups and individuals, and spoken to individuals and organizations about the importance of photo preservation. Andi Willis is passionate about helping people preserve and protect their family photos with Good Life Photo Solutions. In 2014 Andi became a Certified Personal Photo Organizer with the Association of Personal Photo Organizers. Making memories last and preserving family legacies are her primary goals when organizing a client’s priceless photos. She loves working with clients create a photo collection that is well organized, easy-to-access and ready to be enjoyed for generations to come. Married to her husband Troy for 25 years, she lives in Georgia with two teenagers, one dog, and three cats. In her spare time (whatever that is), she enjoys reading, genealogy and watching my husband compete in triathlons. See the story of Andi’s life here. 17 Comments. Fabulous tips! And the more you sort, the faster you get because you already have dated photos to compare to, and know what family members look like at different ages. Great tips Andi!

I absolutely love taking pictures and looking at them, but who doesn’t? What I enjoyed most about this blog was how you referenced using dates. I posted a blog a few years ago about creating a memory box to store special cards, and what’s so great about dating cards and pictures, is having the ability to take a trip down memory lane. I do this with cards faithfully, and it’s a fantastic way to reflect back at a card you received when you were in elementary school. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us! You are welcome!

When my kids were little, I tried to remember to write a date on the back of any special cards or schoolwork that I was going to keep. It was invaluable this Spring when I made a special photo book for my daughter’s high school graduation. I am having fun looking at all of these old photos. My funny story is that my camera’s date (back in the day film camera) somehow got messed up. All of my photos for years printed the wrong date, and I didn’t know how to fix it. I laugh now because I know all of these dates are wrong. My grandmother used to handwrite the date on the white margin of her prints. Not a bad solution, although I’m sure not great for the photo. At least we know the details! Those camera dates can be tricky, for sure!

As long as your family member didn’t write directly on the main part of the photo (like my mother did!!), I think you are fine. You can always crop that out if you want. I love these tips and tricks to figure out the dates of photos! I wish I had them years ago when I was trying to pinpoint the dates on some photos of mine. All my photos are not dated when I was growing up. It took me a long time to figure out what time frame. It’s always a struggle, Sabrina. If any new old photos come into your life, you’ve got these tips in your back pocket. Thanks for reading. What about the date that is placed on the back of some photos? Are these considered to be accurate, since I would think the date is placed by a professional developer?

Course an individual sets the date. How to verify dating profiles with TinEye. With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, and February being the month of love, we want to give you, our online dating friends, some tips on how TinEye can help you verify dating profiles. As dating sites have become popular, unfortunately, so has dating fraud. American victims of online romance scams lost more than $87 million in 2014, and in a 2017 Consumer Reports survey, 12% of survey participants said they were scammed. It’s important to make sure you can establish confidence in who you’re talking with: especially when you can do this before the conversation even begins!

One of the best ways you can start to verify a dating profile is by verifying their images with TinEye. TinEye crawls the web for images and uses image recognition to search an image for matches on the internet. If TinEye finds a match for their profile photo, the results, which point to other sites on the internet that have the image, can tell you more. If that image has been widely used, or worse, found on anti-scammer database websites, you may be dealing with a scammer. Using the image URL Uploading the image from your device Using our browser extension. Using the image URL. You can get their image URL in any browser by right-clicking their image and copying the image URL. This is also sometimes called the “image address.” Uploading the image from your device. If you have the image on your computer or mobile device, you can also upload it for searching. When you visit, simply click the upload button (the button that looks like an arrow in a circle) to search the image on TinEye. Using our browser extension to right-click search. You can make this even simpler with our browser extensions. We provide extensions for Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Opera web browsers. Once installed, you can right-click any image and easily search it on TinEye for verification. Other resources. In addition, TinEye isn’t the only place to check: you may also want to double-check Google Image Search as well to make sure that the images they’re using are unique to them. If you have other information, like a name or email address, you may also want to try visiting RomanceScam, one of the largest anti-scammer websites. They have over 100,000 known scammer names, emails, images, and more. Their search page, located here, lets you see if anyone has spoken about a specific person on their forums. You can search by anything you’ve been given: their name, email address, street address, phone number, or specific phrases from their messages. How to use TinEye to search for an image online. To search by image, you use a reverse image search engine. TinEye is the original reverse image search engine, using image recognition with a growing index of billions of images. You can use TinEye to find out where an image came from, how it is being used, if modified versions of the image exist, or to find a higher resolution version. Let’s learn to do a reverse image search with TinEye!

What color is this dress?

TinEye’s color algorithm tells you. It’s always a great day in the TinEye HQ when we can settle team arguments using our own technology. You have probably heard about a photograph called “the dress”, that has polarized the web. Well, our TinEye team is divided into 2 fiercely opposed camps: the blue and black versus the gold and white camp. So instead of arguing over colors (!) we settled this like grown ups: we. An instance where reverse image search would be helpful. It is always “nice” to be reminded of how our TinEye fans feel when they spot one of their images used without credit. But what’s even more “fun”, is to see your own image featured in an article about image recognition with hardly a mention of one of the most integrated image recognition APIs in the world. MulticolorEngine: color search with tags. TinEye color search fans rejoice!

One of the most requested feature for our TinEye color search lab is the ability to not only search by color but also refine searches by using tags. And that’s what you are going to be able to do as of now: our new color search lab incorporates tags. You can now search 20 million creative commons images using both colors and tags. Members gallery. Looking for the website that helps single hearts meet one another?

You’ve found one. Hundreds of single Russian beauties are waiting for your message. So, don’t fail them. They say beauty is only skin deep. However, appearance plays an important role when it comes to sexual attraction. What we call love is actually the combination of physical and emotional attraction to a particular person. This is when you love your woman both for her appearance and inner world. Many Russian women are the bearers of this unique combo – beautiful face and beautiful soul. Foreigners like to compare women in their country with women from Eastern Europe. Based on those observations, they unanimously say that Russian girls are definitely among the most beautiful women on our planet. Perhaps, this is because of the diversity of Slavic appearances, which gives every man an opportunity to choose a woman according to his preferences. Much can be said about the beauty of Russian women, but it is the case when a picture is worth a thousand words. In each sphere of life, there are certain rules that people observe in order to maintain order and harmony. And the realm of romantic relationships is not an exception. Since Russia is a quite conservative country, its dating culture has kept many old-fashioned rules. Men and women try to stick to them since this is what their parents and grandparents did, and this what they should do as a tradition. What you should know about men-women relationships in Russia is that there is a clear distinction between gender roles. Today, it can be not so strict, but it’s ingrained in people’s subconscious. At the stage of family, the woman keeps the house and cares for children, and the man provided for the family. At the stage of dating, the man is the knight, and the woman is the princess whose heart he wants to win. He should act gentlemanly, plan romantic dates, do his best to impress a woman, give flowers and compliments. Russian girls expect their dating to smoothly transform into a committed relationship. Every woman dreams of a loving, loyal, and caring husband. She, in turn, is ready to be his lover and friend, mother of his children. She wants him to be the leader in their relationship who makes important decisions and solves problems, and at the same time, she wants equality. Marriage is very important to Russian girls. Traditionally, they are family oriented, and they have their own families on the list of major priorities. So, what they want to achieve from a relationship?

Reliability. Every woman wants to feel fragile but protected in the company of her loved one. ssian singles look for the real man who can be strong and tender when it’s necessary. Romance. Women like romance. This is what makes a relationship between two people more exciting and reinforces their feelings. Men tend to be romantic at the beginning of the relationship. Later, they think it’s unnecessary and stop taking their women on romantic dates and giving flowers. You should know that women like this stuff and want it in a long-term relationship, too. Loyalty. If she finds her man, she’ll be loyal to him, in both physical and mental senses. She’ll be on his side in any situation, because she is not only his lover but also his friend. She expects the same from her man. Respect. Any relationship that involves two people is based on respect, be it a friendship or a romantic relationship. Respect is the manifestation of love and appreciation. Every woman wants to be respected for her personality. She needs a man who will ask for her opinion, who will never say a single insulting word, who will never make her regret she opened her heart to him. Emotional comfort. She wants to have a harmonious relationship with her partner. So, she needs an intelligent man with a sense of humor who can save her from boredom, solve any difficult problem, and cheer her up. Many men choose social media as a platform for approaching women from Russia. However, their attempts are not always successful since Facebook or VK (Russian social network) is not meant for dating. You can’t know that the girl you send a request to is single and in search of a potential partner. That is why you need something more dating oriented like online dating sites. Fortunately for you, many Russian singles register on dating sites to find a reliable life partner. By the way, they are attracted to foreigners. They view them as more elegant and confident in comparison with Russian guys. In order to start getting acquainted with girls on this site, you just need to register (which is free). Then you get access to the gallery of women profiles. You can view their photos, read what they look for, and if you feel you could make a good couple with a particular woman, start a chat with her. After getting to know her better, you can arrange a real-life date in her country if both of you feel the chemistry. People envy you. When you walk on the street with her, she turns people’s heads, and they also look at you to check that lucky guy who won such a beauty. You learn many things. municating with her, you enrich your knowledge of Russian culture, traditions, and superstitions and even learn a bit of Russian. She cooks national dishes for you. ssians are fans of home cooking. They mostly eat at home and rarely eat out, especially the dwellers of small towns. Your girlfriend, and hopefully future wife, will not miss a chance to show off her cooking skills. She can do anything. She is well educated, and it seems that she is not afraid of anything. If you catch a cold, she knows what pills to take and what fruits to eat to recover faster. If you feel low, she chooses the right words to boost your spirits. This is list is far from exhaustive. You’ll find a lot more advantages dealing with Russian ladies personally. There are also some challenges that international dating implies. Here are some of them. Culture gap. You are from different countries, and it means you were brought up in different cultural environments. It’s important to be patient and polite and ready to fill this gap by getting to know each other better. Language barrier. It can be a serious obstacle if your girlfriend doesn’t know your language and even English. But if she has a good command of your common language, be it English or any other, then you’ll easily overcome it. Geography. You are separated by miles. If your relationship gets serious, you’ll have to consider moving in and choose where to live. What about Russian women’s attitude to sex?

They love it but don’t like to talk about it. That is why you shouldn’t make any mention of sex or anything too intimate in the beginning of your relationship. You shouldn’t hint at having sex because you may scare your date. She needs time to begin to trust you and be able to open up to you. Once she feels she is ready to get horizontal, she’ll hint herself. So, just wait for her signs. REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH. Reverse Image Search is the quickest & accurate online tool that is used to find similar images over the internet. Users can search by image, by keyword, or by the URL of the picture to find similar images, memes, profile pictures, and wallpapers along with their location and ownership information. How To Reverse Image Search With Our Tool? Search By Image. Millions of people around the globe search for photos both for personal or professional purposes. We offer you a search by image tool that allows you to find the most similar photos online from the leading search engines. PICTURE SEARCH - FIND SIMILAR PHOTOS. Reverse Image Lookup Tool. This reverse image search can be helpful to find an image with better angles and resolutions. Users can search by Image to find out if someone has used your pictures without your permission or you can use it to find the source of an image. Just use a photo as a sample query to find a similar picture from all around the web. Anyone can use this tool to find a photo as it shows the accurate results related to the given picture; you can enter a “keyword” as an input photo query and then run a search on that source to find out what else is out there that matches or is similar to your given image. Photo Search on Top 4 Search Engines. As a user enters a photo on our tool, it retrieves results from the top 4 advanced image search engines. You don’t need to waste time visiting these photo search engines individually as our reverse image search is providing results from all of them on one platform with a single click. Google Image Search. Google is offering an image-based search for a long time, and it’s being used by people from all over the world. This google image search can provide different sizes of images against an image. Google reverse picture search can retrieve the pages that contain your uploaded image. Bing Image Search. The reverse image search facility by Bing identifies the elements of a picture and finds results that include all of those elements. It detects the faces or products within the picture uploaded by the user and displays identical results from its huge database. Yandex Image Search. The Yandex picture search engine is considered to be the best search by image facility in Russia, for facial and geographical identification purposes. It also provides you with better quality images, different sizes, and visually similar images. Baidu Picture Search. The Baidu picture search engine is one of the best photo search facilities in China. It also provides users visually similar & quality images. How Does It Work? We are providing our users with the securest and advanced reverse image search facility that will assist you in finding the source of a picture quickly. This online tool is based on CBIR, and analyzes the content from the leading search engines, to some people use, and gives you all the matched image results in no time. Moreover, no third-party can get access to this online tool, as it’s protected with modern security algorithms. If you are having a query in your mind that you might be asked to go through the boring sign-up procedure to make a picture search through this tool, then throw this worry away. It scans not just the photo search engine databases, but also the millions of social profiles across the web including those of the popular social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other forums using a roundup of images. Features of Our Reverse Image Lookup. This reverse image search comes with top-notch features that allow you to search by image without any hassle. Here are some major key features of our advanced image search tool, mentioned below. Wide Database. The process of finding similar images isn’t limited to a quota of a small number of pictures. The uploaded photo of a user is cross-matched with billions of images available over the web to generate and display exact matching or close to similar results. Our automated database gives the user the freedom to find photo results from multiple search engines. Picture Preview. Instead of directly uploading a picture and starting the reverse image search process, our platform provides you with a preview of the selected image. The preview feature will allow you to make sure that you have uploaded the correct image. Local Storage. Our online reverse photo lookup tool lets you browse and select the file saved in your device’s storage. You are only required to click the upload button to find and choose the file to start a photo search. Multiple Languages. If you’re more comfortable using websites in your native language, then we have got you covered. This image reverse search is available in multiple languages to make itself a user-friendly service for people from all over the globe. Besides English, users can find our tool in Deutsche, Italiano, français, Português,Español, Pусский and many other languages. Camera Search. Now you don’t have to keep the pictures in your gallery for uploading them on our reverse image search. You can use the camera feature to take a real-time picture of an object and find similar images on the web in no time. Supports Multiple File Formats. There is no need to convert your pictures into a specific file format, as this image finder supports all the major image file formats to make it easier for the user to upload the image they want to search with. Users can upload their pictures stored in JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF formats for conducting reverse image search on our tool. URL Integration. If the photo you want to search for isn’t stored on your device, you can paste its URL in the space given on this image finder. After entering the URL, the user can click on the search button to look for similar images available over the web. Reverse image search is an easy-to-use online service that generates results in a matter of seconds. The speedy nature of this utility never disappoints its users with slow processing and results. You can use this web application to conduct picture search as many times as you want without investing time and effort. Accurate. This search by image works on advanced CBIR (content-based image retrieval) technology that makes sure to provide you with 100% accurate results. This displays the best-matching results for every picture uploaded on it. Voice Search. Many times the users get tired of inserting keywords or images to find what they are looking for. In such a case, the voice search feature of our reverse image search tool is here for your rescue. This feature allows you to speak anything, and as a result, it explores and displays results. Key Advantages & Reasons for Picture Search. 1: Finding Duplicate Content & Original Sources Using Image Finder. This image finder is here to detect & avoid all the copycats who duplicate content and use it without giving credits to the original creator. If you have uploaded your creations over the web, you can use the image search utility to identify the sources which have used the content without seeking your permission. Our reverse image search takes a few seconds to retrieve similar pictures present over the internet through multiple image search engines. After that, one can take the required actions against the duplicators. On the other hand, if you want to use a photo in your blog post, this picture finder can be utilized to find its original source and save yourself from copyright claims by providing credits appropriately. In all of these cases mentioned above, the photo finder proves very helpful to locate the original content creator and the owner of the images. Therefore, when you come across an article with an image, search by image or by the URL of the image to track down to whom it belongs? 2: Found a Cropped Image?

If you find a cropped image and wonder how the full and complete image would look, just search by image. This will help users find plenty of examples of the original image along with other cropped results. 3: Tracking Down of Infographic Spreads. Many people would re-publish other’s infographics without even letting them know. You can track your mentions and backlinks, for this purpose reverse image search is very useful to discover some of your promoters. It is a safe and easy way to find unlinked re-use of your work, and one can even reach out to the user to ask for credit (or link). This technique can help you to rank better in SERPs. This tool can surely help you to improve image search results in SEO. A healthy link-building tip is that whenever you find that someone has re-used your image content, send them a nice, friendly email or message to let them know that you permit them if you are credited with the link. Most people engaged in copyright infringement are not doing that on purpose, they will be happy to credit you. 4: Protect Copyrights & Get Links. Any photographer with his work available online has to deal with a lot of people who re-use the work on their sites and blogs, sometimes without even giving a proper mention. This is a great photo finder to discover such re-uses images and may result in some pretty good deals. 5: Find Object Details. Many times we come across images of celebrities, products, and food items that we find attractive and are willing to know more about them, but don’t know their names. Searching through keywords is the option we rely on, but without knowing the proper names, search engines aren’t able to display the results we desire. Instead of wasting time on keyword-based research, reverse image search can help users find the exact information they’re looking for. 6: Find Products and Recipes by Picture Search. Users can easily find products or recipes that they have seen online or in the shop and would like to buy. If you see something on a website like a recipe or a product that isn’t linked to a product page, you can search by image to find products with the help of an image or its URL. Reverse Image Search for All Operating Systems. This free image finder is a web-based service that doesn’t require to be installed on your devices. This search by image tool can be accessed through the device or any operating system. Reverse Image Search on Android & Mobile. You might be wondering that you’ll just need a desktop or laptop for conducting an image search, but with this picture finder, one can reverse image search on mobile & android too. You need to access this tool through a web browser on your Android handset and upload an image to retrieve similar image results. This tool will work similarly and provide high-quality results, no matter what your device’s specifications are. Search by Image on iOS Devices. iPhone users are always worried about the tools that they are willing to use, which might not be compatible with their iPhones system. But, that’s not the case with this reverse image search. Our user can easily access this image finder through Safari and start following the easy steps to find pictures over the web. It also works similarly on Mac, just like on all other operating systems. Users don’t need special training to or learn the steps to search by image on Mac devices. Reverse Picture Search on Windows. This easy-to-use reverse photo search can be utilized to find the source or details of any picture through Windows devices (laptop, desktop, & smartphone). No matter which version of Windows your device is running, users can access it by entering its URL on the web browser.

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